Saturday, 19 June 2021


Welcome to the QSDCA Playing Regulations Review of 2021

This is the blog site
Link printed so it can be copied off paper printouts.


(This list was revised 27-Jun-2021 following consideration at a Management Committee meeting. Stay tuned for more updates.)
1. Finals player eligibility conditions Reg 35.15-35.22
Management Committee recommended adding words to disallow team to team transfer with same grade, same club teams for finals. (Jun-2021)
  Detailed proposal ready. ABM 1-Jul-2021
2. Player replacement for injury, rep duties or premier cricket duty Reg 23.2 
Management Committee recommends no changes required. (Jun-2021)
  Not going to AGM ABM 28-Jun-2021
 3. Simpler version of Doubtful Bowling Actions Procedures Appendix F
Management Committee recommends submit review ideas to Qld Cricket (Jun-2021)
 This will become a longer term project beyond the AGM 
(involving Qld Cricket consultation). ABM 28-Jun-2021

4. Notifying Scores and Match Results
Management Committee recommends rewording of Regulation 13. (Jun-2021)
Detailed proposal ready. ABM 28-Jun-2021  
5. Add a provision to control pitch rolling
Management Committee recommends no changes required. (Jun-2021)
 Not going to AGM ABM 28-Jun-2021
6. 12.30pm Starts on Saturdays all season
Management Committee recommends no changes required. (Jun-2021)
  Not going to AGM ABM 28-Jun-2021
7. Spikes for batters
Management Committee recommends no changes required. (Jun-2021)
  Not going to AGM ABM 28-Jun-2021
8. Super 20 Innings Finish Time or Compulsory Closure Time
This is error correction or clarification of wording. (ABM Jun-2021)
  Not going to AGM. ABM 29-Jun-2021
9. Sunday 50 Reg 27.3 
This is error correction or clarification of wording. (ABM Jun-2021) 
Ready. ABM 28-Jun-2021
10. Fix over reduction examples  
This is error correction or clarification of wording. (ABM Jun-2021)
 Ready. ABM 2-Jul-2021
 11. Delayed or Interrupted One Day Match Conditions 
This is error correction or clarification of wording. (ABM Jun-2021)
 Ready. ABM 28-Jun-2021
 12. Reg 26.7 placeholder missing in Sun50 and Super 20
This is error correction or clarification of wording. (ABM Jun-2021)
  Ready. ABM 28-Jun-2021
 13. Sun 50 SuperSub Rule Rewrite 
Management Committee recommends rewording of Regulation 23.5 (Jun-2021)
 Detailed proposal ready. ABM 28-Jun-2021
14. Revise Compulsory Closure Time for Sat One Dayers Reg 25 (And Sunday 50 too!)
Management Committee recommends offer this as an option at the AGM. (Jun-2021)
  Detailed proposal ready. ABM 28-Jun-2021
15. Introduce Free Hits for Sat One Dayers Reg 29.3
Management Committee recommends offer this as an option at the AGM. (Jun-2021)
 Detailed proposal ready. ABM 28-Jun-2021
16. Any other issue that gets suggested.


Do you have any issues that you would like to see discussed?

Please feel free to join in the discussion. (See bottom of this page.)

There will be a page of this blog dedicated to each issue. (Coming Soon...)

On every page readers may make any comment or suggestion they wish.
Such comments are subject to moderation (which means I can control any irrelevant stuff).

The overall aim is to present reviewed regulations at the QSDCA AGM in July 2021.

Note: This year there WILL NOT BE a string of tiresome Notices of Motion at the AGM.
Just three sets of complete Playing Regulations, one for each competition for a YES/NO vote.
There will be a single Notice of Motion with a page of changes for a YES/NO vote.
Here's the draft NOTICE OF MOTION.... LINK  
Here's the complete  new version of the QSDCA Playing Regulations for 2021/22 incorporating all the changes discussed on this blog. This is for consideration at the QSDCA AGM on 19-Jul-2021.... LINK
  • Just because some matter is being talked about here doesn't mean it's inevitable.
  • Just because we're not talking about it yet doesn't mean it can't happen either.
Thanks for your interest.

ABM, 26-Mar-2021 
Revised 21-Jun-2021 27-Jun-2021 2-Jul-2021
CLICK HERE  for a 3 page summary pdf version of the whole blog.  It's old now.

Click on this link to see 2020/21 QSDCA Playing Regulations for all competitions

Link printed so it can be copied off paper printouts.

  • The QSDCA Playing regulations were rewritten in 2015/2016 and reviewed in 2017.
  • A set of Playing regulations for Sunday 50 Over Competition was developed in 2017.
  • A minor review of the Super 20 Kookaburra Cup Playing Regulations was also completed in 2017.
  • In 2018, a new version of Super 20 regulations was made and regulations for all 3 QSDCA competitions were published together for the first time.
  • In 2019 and 2020 several proposals were duly considered. Most were passed. Some were dropped.
  • 2017 Blog LINK2018 Blog LINK2019 Blog LINK2020 Blog LINK 

Here is a link to a list of the 2020 changes.
  • Just the changes.  LINK
  • Draft Notice of Motion for the AGM on 10-Aug-2020. LINK 

Comments below please. (Subject to moderation.)

Click on this link for a guide on how to post a comment. 

Link printed so it can be copied off paper printouts.

If you can't comment perhaps it would be easier to send me an email.

maurice19cricket at

Email address has been 'munged' to prevent spamming.

To use it copy and paste into email app and replace the " at " with a "@"

Link to Top of this page CLICK HERE
Back to introduction CLICK HERE

1. Finals player eligibility conditions

Reg 35.15-35.22  Saturday (and Sunday 50 and Super 20)
Last reviewed 2019

Player eligibility for finals always seem to cause problems.
They shouldn't. Players need to have 4 games recorded through the Saturday season (or 3 through the Sunday 50 and Super 20 competitions) to be eligible to play in a final. 

This should be quite easy to organise since the data is all available on MyCricket. 
The finals eligibility rules are necessary for competition integrity. If a team plays well enough through the season to make the final it is reasonable to expect that some mostly that team is the one that appears in the finals. 
If you were to face a team in your final which includes a bunch of higher grade players from some other team/club/competition then the final is not fair or sporting. This rule prevents that occurring.

There is a clause which permits approval for players with 3 games on application/approval. This leads to the oddly specific rule flat out denying eligibility for 2 game players. (See Reg 35.17)

Yet every March there seems to be at least a few teams which have a players crisis which leads to special pleading and hard decisions (and wailing and gnashing of teeth and various other hellish scenarios... )

Are the rules we have clear enough? Is this disregard due to dumbness, laziness or carelessness? Or is there a plain communication issue?

Maybe more publicity for/emphasis on this section of the rules is needed. (Or a simplified rewrite?)
For Saturday Two Day Matches
35.15 To be eligible to play in a SEMI FINAL or GRAND FINAL MATCH a player must have appeared in at least 4 matches of the current season of Saturday Competition matches in that particular grade or a lower grade.
To be in a final a player must have 4 games in the season in that grade or a lower grade. (Nothing about the same team but... see below...)
35.16 Any exceptions to Playing Regulation 35.15 must be submitted to the Management Committee for approval.
Any questions ask ManCom/Cricketops.
35.17 Request for exception of a player who has appeared in two or less matches in the current season in that particular grade or a lower grade will be denied in all cases. 3 game players might be approved on application. 2 game players are a 'no'.
35.18 Players listed for abandoned or forfeited matches count toward qualification for SEMI FINAL and GRAND FINAL MATCHES. See Playing Regulation 13. Washouts count as a game (as long as the team list is entered into MyCricket.)
35.19 When a club has consecutive teams in SEMI FINAL AND GRAND FINAL MATCHES a maximum of 2 eligible players may be downgraded from the higher grade team to the next lower grade team without approval. For a big club with several teams, if the B team makes a final then 2 players from the next team up (B1 or A) can be downgraded to be eligible for the B team final. Note this is quite DIFFERENT to Reg 4.5 which applies in the Round matches only.
35.20 Any player downgraded as in Playing Regulation 35.19 for a SEMI FINAL MATCH will become ineligible for the GRAND FINAL MATCH if the higher grade team is eliminated. In a case where a club with several teams makes a B final, the A downgrades (see 35.19) for the SEMI final become ineligible for the B team GRAND Final.
35.21 All other player downgrades in SEMI FINAL AND GRAND FINAL MATCHES are not permitted unless approval is granted by the Management Committee. Any other downgrade must seek approval from ManCom/CricketOps.
35.22 See Playing Regulation 4.5 for additional finals eligibility conditions. Go read Reg 4.5

This last season (2020/21) we had a new problem. 
Souths Juniors were able to field a late second team which was admitted to the C2 competition in October. This was very welcome both by the C2 competition (and the Association) since it eliminated a bye each week for the remainder of the season. 
For various reasons which seemed convenient at the time it was decided to add the new team to C2...... which was THE SAME grade that already featured another Souths Juniors team. 

The Management Committee did not anticipate that when one Souths Juniors team made the finals and the other didn't that there would be call for players from the not qualified team to be added to the qualified team for their final.

The ethics of doing this are muddy at best. In normal circumstances players might be allowed to do this subject to grading rules The decision to approve it or disallow it is usually dealt with by grading rules. Two teams from one club would normally be an A and a B grade. Players from A would need clearance to go down to the B game. B graders can go up to A without restriction but after 3 games they are regarded as 'A'. (See Reg 4.4)
Reg 35.15 needs rewording to prevent same grade but different team qualifications - citing the case of Souths Juniors A + B in C2 grade in 2020/21.
In the special case where a club has two teams in the same grade players from one team are not eligible for finals played by the other team (unless they have 4 matches with other team somehow.)
Note: a hot tip from an insider.... here's what the Premier Cricket Regulations says on this topic.
"From 22. Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and Finals – Premier Cricket Competitions 
22.1 Eligibility
[K] Where a Club has two [2] or more teams in the one Grade, a player must have played at least eight days with the team they propose to play with (or in a lower Grade) in the Finals Matches.

So a restructure or add something minimal (keeping the existing rules)?

For Saturday Two Day MatchesFor Saturday Two Day Matches
35.15 To be eligible to play in a SEMI FINAL or GRAND FINAL MATCH a player must have appeared in at least 4 matches of the current season of Saturday Competition matches in that particular grade or a lower grade.
35.15 To be eligible to play in a SEMI FINAL or GRAND FINAL MATCH of the Saturday competition a player must have appeared in 4 matches of the current season
* for the same club
* in the same grade (or a lower grade)
* for the same team (or the same club in a lower grade)

35.16 Note: in the case of clubs with more than one team in a single grade this means that players can not become eligible using games played in the other team in that grade.
35.16 Any exceptions to Playing Regulation 35.15 must be submitted to the Management Committee for approval.
35.17 Any exceptions to Playing Regulation 35.15 must be submitted to the Management Committee for approval.
35.17 Request for exception of a player who has appeared in two or less matches in the current season in that particular grade or a lower grade will be denied in all cases.35.18 Request for exception of a player who has appeared in two or less matches in the current season in that particular grade or a lower grade will be denied in all cases.
35.18 Players listed for abandoned or forfeited matches count toward qualification for SEMI FINAL and GRAND FINAL MATCHES. See Playing Regulation 13.35.19 Players listed for abandoned or forfeited matches count toward qualification for SEMI FINAL and GRAND FINAL MATCHES. See Playing Regulation 13.
35.19 When a club has consecutive teams in SEMI FINAL AND GRAND FINAL MATCHES a maximum of 2 eligible players may be downgraded from the higher grade team to the next lower grade team without approval. 35.20 When a club has consecutive teams in SEMI FINAL AND GRAND FINAL MATCHES a maximum of 2 eligible players may be downgraded from the higher grade team to the next lower grade team without approval.
35.20 Any player downgraded as in Playing Regulation 35.19 for a SEMI FINAL MATCH will become ineligible for the GRAND FINAL MATCH if the higher grade team is eliminated. 35.21 Any player downgraded as in Playing Regulation 35.20 for a SEMI FINAL MATCH will become ineligible for the GRAND FINAL MATCH if the higher grade team is eliminated.
35.21 All other player downgrades in SEMI FINAL AND GRAND FINAL MATCHES are not permitted unless approval is granted by the Management Committee. 35.22 All other player downgrades in SEMI FINAL AND GRAND FINAL MATCHES are not permitted unless approval is granted by the Management Committee.
35.22 See Playing Regulation 4.5 for additional finals eligibility conditions. 35.23 See Playing Regulation 4.5 for additional finals eligibility conditions.

35.23 Official umpires will stand in all SEMI FINAL and GRAND FINAL MATCHES. 35.24 Official umpires will stand in all SEMI FINAL and GRAND FINAL MATCHES.
35.24 If official umpires are not available, neutral umpires who have passed umpire training examinations approved by the Management Committee will stand. 35.25 If official umpires are not available, neutral umpires who have passed umpire training examinations approved by the Management Committee will stand.
Sunday 50 and Super 20 have similar regulations but the only difference is qualification is 3 matches not 4.
For Sunday 50 Over Matches
35.15 To be eligible to play in a SEMI FINAL or GRAND FINAL MATCH of the Sunday 50 over competition a player must have appeared in 3 matches of the current season
* for the same club
* in the same grade (or a lower grade)
* for the same team (or the same club in a lower grade)
35.16 Note: in the case of clubs with more than one team in a single grade this means that players can not become eligible using games played in the other team in that grade.

35.16-35.25 same as for Saturday Regulations.
For Super 20 Matches
35.15 To be eligible to play in a SEMI FINAL or GRAND FINAL MATCH of the Super 20 competition a player must have appeared in 3 matches of the current season
* for the same club
* in the same grade (or a lower grade)
* for the same team (or the same club in a lower grade)
35.16 Note: in the case of clubs with more than one team in a single grade this means that players can not become eligible using games played in the other team in that grade.
35.16-35.25 same as for Saturday Regulations.

ABM 21-Jun-2021  Revised 27-Jun-2021 Again 1-Jul-2021


Friday, 18 June 2021

2. Player replacement for injury, rep duties or premier cricket duty... Reg 23.2


Reg 23.2

Last reviewed 2020, after initial introduction in 2019.

A club president expressed some discontent because injury player replacement involves a 3 week suspension yet other player replacement conditions do not.


The player suspension is a fundamental part of the injury Replacement idea.

Reg 23.2.27 is very specific about the suspension applying ONLY to illness/injury replacements.

For many years Subbies struggled with the angst of teams playing with a player short due to unforeseen illness or injury of team members between weekends. From a practical, "enjoyment of weekend recreation" point of view this was always incomprehensible. Modern life is more demanding than this and in the 2020's team restrictions like this are unsustainable.

Problems were:

  • Verifying the nature of the illness or injury (has he **really** done his knee or is this a 'visiting Grandma' situation?)
  • How do we control willy nilly player replacements (i.e half the team changes each and every week.) 
  • Add to that possibly erroneous idea that once named a cricket team cannot allow replacements. (Go read Law 1.2, guys...)

Two seasons back the injury replacement rule was introduced. 

The deal is:

  • if a player is injured/ill/unavailable then "fine, you can swap as long as you make an application and get a written approval from ManCom, no contest, no questions asked, you do not need a medical certificate or a note from your Mum" 
  • but that guy misses out for 3 Saturdays (week 2 of the current game and then the next two dayer or next 2 x 1 dayers)

Two much older rules allowing replacements for Rep players and Premier cricket duty were rearranged and incorporated into Regulation 23. These rules are hardly ever used. (Maybe twice in a decade...) 

There is no enforced suspension for players who are replaced using Rep or Premier Cricket regulations. Reg 23.2.26-23.2.28 are clear enough to anyone who can read 'em.

On reflection that incorporation may have been a bit confusing. But I'm not gonna change it back.

As a review note I think the Illness/Injury Replacement rule is working well. Stats are showing 30 odd replacements in 300 odd 2 day games in each of the last two seasons.

It's got good acceptance and it's being used. I'm pleased with it's success.  




 ABM 21-Jun-2021    Revised 27-Jun-2021


Thursday, 17 June 2021

3. Simpler version of Doubtful Bowling Actions Procedures


Appendix F DOUBTFUL BOWLING ACTIONS PROCEDURES (Effective 1st September 2017 (v2))


This procedure is not well understood and is likely not being followed very well.

Probably because it's wordy, confusing and once started any conclusion seems a very long way off.

A clear and strong policy on this is needed in the modern game but remains fraught with controversy (almost by definition). 

An obvious issue is the lack of resources and support (and maybe the will) to complete all the investigation and assessment steps.

Less obvious is the lack of experience most umpires have with this procedure. So training is needed. But also some awareness amongst team captains would create some 'demand' for a constructive approach.

Doubtful bowling actions is a very controversial topic. Historically it has been raging hot since at least the 1820's when 'Round-arm' bowling began to challenge the hegemony of underarm bowling. (There are some really nutty things in the history of bowling laws. Start reading here. There are books on it...)

I think it is not possible to deal with Appendix F by AGM Notice of Motion. 

There are two major problems with making adjustments to Appendix F.

Both stem from the fact that the current Appendix is derived directly from a QC directive from about 4 years ago.

Problem 1: the detailed procedures described do not appear to be supported by resources required to implement them.

Problem 2: Any change we make may be deviating from QC's 'policies' and intentions. This would mean we might be 'on our own' when it comes to any procedures. (We don;t have any resources allocated to this either.)

Here's my paper on this.

It's not really a proposal.

I think we should be consulting with QC about revising this policy.

Another issue is how this applies to player umpired matches. Current QC policy says only accredited umpires may make reports. unofficially we are supposed to overlook that in player umpired games.



Draft by ABM 13-Oct-2020 (ver A) (needs an edit yet...)

All bowlers in Qld will bowl in accordance with Law 21.2

Law 21 must be applied by the umpire at all times.

Umpires are sole judges on Law 21.2 Fair Delivery – the Arm.

* The Doubtful Bowling Action Procedure is aimed at both making the game fair and dealing constructively with players sincerely struggling with their bowling actions.

* This procedure is to help all bowlers play cricket without suspicion or argument.

* Throughout the process clubs and coaches will act in the best interests of the player and cricket in general.

* The welfare of the player and the game are primary considerations.

Umpire’s Procedure for Doubtful Actions

QC instructs there are 3 calls to make.


* Does not break Law 21

b. ILLEGAL DELIVERY – (a blatant throw, a “no ball”)

* For deliberate and blatantly thrown delivery Umpire will call “no ball”

* To be considered illegal, ball must be delivered with a very different action to bowler’s normal deliveries.

* Umpire will report using the Doubtful Bowling Action Report Form.


* For any bowling action that MIGHT be illegal.

* Do not call “no ball”

* Umpires will report using the Doubtful Bowling Action Report Form.

* There are two categories.


If an umpire believes that a bowler has bowled a ball with an action that is illegal, the umpire should “Report” that bowler on the Doubtful Bowling Action Report Form.


If an umpire is suspicious that a bowler has bowled a ball with an action that might be illegal, the umpire should “Mention” that bowler on the Doubtful Bowling Action Report Form.


* Use naked eye viewing or video at normal speed only.

* Do not allow influence by slow motion replays.

* Only accredited umpires may make a Mention or Report.

* Player umpires are allowed to report Doubtful Actions. See advice in score book.

Report Procedure

1. Umpire completes the report

- describe the bowling action

- Is it a general problem? Is it specific deliveries or type of deliveries?

2. Umpire will notify the player (and coach/captain/team manager) at the end of the playing day.

3. Email the report to QC within 3 days of the end of the match.

4. QC will write to reported player’s Club Secretary and the Association Secretary

- copy of Umpire’s report

- outline the actions to follow





First Mention

  • Club coach works with bowler

  • No action

Second Mention

  • Elevates to next level

  • Proceed with next level actions

First Report

Level 1.

  • Club coach works with bowler.

  • QC will provide methods and drills

Second Report

Level 2.

  • Video evidence to be gathered at a training session.

  • 8 week intervention period begins.

  • Bowler may continue to bowl in matches.

  • Further reports during 8 week intervention period will not affect bowler’s level.

  • QC will analyse video evidence and provide recommendations.

  • A further review will occur at the end of the 8 week intervention period.

  • There is no clearance.

  • Non-cooperation, non-participation will lead to immediate Level 4.

Third Report

Level 3.

  • 8 week bowling suspension period begins.

  • Remedial work continues without match pressures.

Fourth Report

Level 4.

  • 12 month bowling suspension begins at the date of third report.

  • After 12 months suspension is finished the bowler may bowl again.

  • Any further mention returns the bowler to Level 4.

Further Notes about Reporting procedure.

* Two mentions equals one report.

* Club coach means …. “ xxxx” (Can we ask QC for their suggestion about what this MEANS?)

* No player returns to Level at the start of a season. The record is permanent.

* This applies the same for Junior and Senior players.

* The report and result will not be made public.

To oppositions who ‘demand action’.

* It is not true that "nothing is being done"... neither is it true that one report will condemn any bowler.

* All captains and players need to know that accusations and allegations are unlikely to result in anything other than a dispute that will ruin the game for both sides.

To any team captain who says "he's been cleared".

* "There's no such thing." (It’s says so in the procedure.)
* The equipment (high speed TV cameras, spots and computers) is gathering dust in the NCC. No one has used it.

* "I'll umpire what is in front of me"


ABM 21-Jun-2021 


Wednesday, 16 June 2021

4. Notifying Scores and Match Results


  • Reg 13.4, 13.5 and 13.6 - The term "Match Results" should be replaced by the term "Match Abstracts" and be tightly defined.
  • Reg 13.8 and 13.8.1 - Toughen up the language in Failure to Notify Scores or Enter Match Results). Add warnings about audits, fines, points loss and disqualification.


Strengthening the rules and emphasizing the importance about notifying scores and match results.


This is a response to a very serious problem that threatens the integrity of each and every competition that the Association runs.

Correct and timely entry of scores, results and team lists is needed to stop deliberate misreporting. Delayed entry can lead to things like adding a few runs here and there to shade bonus points or adding a player appearance to dodgy up a finals eligibility.

Administration of this issue needs to be a higher priority for the Management Committee. (That's not really a "rules issue"...)  

There are administrative proposals coming which will address this issue. 


The term "match abstracts" is already in the glossary. It could be revised to include Captains Reports.  

EXISTING REGULATIONS What changes are specified?
13 NOTIFYING SCORES AND MATCH RESULTS Replace "Match Results" with "Match abstracts"
Applies to All Competitions

Applies to All Competitions

NOTIFYING SCORES AFTER THE DAY’S PLAY This refers to the Facebook entries.

no change

13.1 Both teams will notify match scores at the end of each day’s play whether or not play takes place, by a method as directed by the Management Committee.

no change

13.2 Match scores will include at least total runs and two best individual batting scores and bowling figures for each innings.

no change

13.3 No notifications are required when play is officially abandoned by the Management Committee.

no change

13.4 Both teams will enter match results into MyCricket by 11.59pm of the Wednesday following the end of each match. Replace "Match Results" with "Match abstracts" 13.4 Both teams will enter match abstracts into MyCricket by 11.59pm of the Wednesday following the end of each match.
13.5 Match results will include all player names, all scores and Captain’s Report (Umpire Assessment).
13.5 Match abstracts will include all player names, all scores and Captain’s Report (Umpire Assessment).
13.6 Entry of match results is required for any match abandoned due to weather or forfeit.
13.6 Entry of match abstracts is required for any match abandoned due to weather or forfeit.
13.7 Players listed for abandoned or forfeited matches count toward qualification for play-offs and finals matches.
13.7 Players listed for abandoned or forfeited matches count toward qualification for SEMI FINAL and GRAND FINAL matches. See Regulation 35.15 to 35.22

13.8.1 At the discretion of the Management Committee, fines or loss of points will apply for teams that fail to notify scores or to enter match results. "Fines or loss of points" becomes "penalties".
13.8 At the discretion of the Management Committee, penalties will apply for teams which fail to submit match abstracts.
13.8.1 The amount of the fine will be determined at an Annual General Meeting of the Association. "The amount of the fine" becomes "Such penalties".
13.8.1 Such penalties will be determined at an Annual General Meeting of the Association.

Added regulation which allows strong action to be taken against teams which repeatedly fail to enter match abstracts.
13.8.2 If any team repeatedly contravenes Playing Regulation 13.4 the Management Committee may impose a penalty on that team in accordance with Playing Regulations 46 and 47.

Applies to All Competitions

‘match abstract’… a report of match scores and players’ names submitted by participating teams at the conclusion of each fixture match.

Rewritten to include more specified items.
‘match abstract’… a report of all players’ names, all team scores, all individual scores and umpire assessments by the captains, submitted by participating teams at the conclusion of each fixture match.

ABM 21-Jun-2021 Revised 27-Jun-2021



  Welcome to the QSDCA Playing Regulations Review of 2021 This is the blog site L...